Consistency, are you consistent?
What is consistency? Do we really think about it on a daily basis? I must admit that it was not really a term at the forefront of my mind before I joined network marketing. It really should have been! 'Consistency' is one word that can have so much impact on us and can improve every aspect of our lives if we apply it on a daily basis.
What does it mean to be consistent?To be consistent means to continue repeating something on a regular basis in order to achieve results. This doesn't need to be daily. It could be monthly, weekly, fortnightly, yearly I think you get the picture.
Do you consistently brush your teeth at least twice a day? Fantastic! The likelihood is that you have good, clean and healthy teeth. If you are not consistent then there is a higher chance that you have problems with your teeth and gums.
Do you put fuel in your car on a regular basis? If yes, then you get to drive around and make use of your vehicle. Without the regular fuel input you are unable to make use of your car.
These are examples of consistency that many people take for granted and do not even consider, they are just automatic.
Lets discuss something a little deeper....
What about self care? Are you consistent with self care or do you start out with good intentions and then things keep distracting you or getting in the way and you put your self care at the bottom of the list again? That pretty much described me once upon a time. I don't think I am 100% consistent now (I know I am not) but I am so much better than what I was and I class myself as a work in progress. I do know that it works though when I am consistent.
Are you consistent in your work?
If that work is part time, full time, self employed, network marketing. I'm sure that you know that consistency brings in the results:
- Posting consistently on social media gives better results because it improves your algorithms and more people see your posts.
- You consistently put your voice out there means more people will hear your message and respond.
- You consistently sell/advertise/network and sales are higher.
- You consistently turn up for work, you get more done and the results are better.
- You keep in touch with your team, employees etc builds a better relationship and happier workforce (you do have to be nice to them too!)
- You regularly tidy your office ... it stays clean. (whoops forgot that one)
Are you consistent with your health?
I could cover so much under this section but lets stick to a couple of examples:
Water intake. Drinking 2 litres of water a day has so many health benefits including supporting a weight loss journey, improving the digestion process, lubricating our joints, improving memory and improving the skin.
How many of you have started drinking water with good intentions and then gradually the amount of water you drink reduces or is replaced by something not so healthy? But yet the rewards for drinking water are so important and produce fantastic results. The biggest improvement that I noticed, when I first my water intake, was my complexion. I always thought that my skin was dry but it was actually just dehydrated.
I really am pleased that I have managed to stay consistent with my water intake and now it has become a habit rather than something that I need to keep thinking about.
A relevant one for me and my customers....
Are you consistent with your Skincare?
Its all very well knowing your skin type and being able to identify what skin concerns you would like to address, but how do we improve those skin concerns?
Firstly, we buy the correct products (often out choices are supported by a consultant like me).
Secondly, we apply them correctly, as described on the packaging or explained by a consultant.
Thirdly, we must use them consistently in order to see the improvement. Just applying when you remember is not going to make a difference to any of the skin concerns that we have. You might as well throw your money down the drain.
Consistency breeds results yet again!
For my fellow Network Marketers..
I see so many consultants who join up and are under the impression that is easy money. Set up a group, post in it a few times, the sales will roll in. This is certainly not how we do things.
To see results, increase sales, increase recruits and build your business you need to consistently do the following..
- Post in your group 4 times a day;
- Network;
- Engage with your customers and friends and groups that you are in;
- Talk to people everywhere;
- Increase your group numbers;
- provide engaging content for your groups
- Don't preach... teach! Show your customers how you can help them don't tell them what they need;
- Hold events in person or virtually.
If you can do these then you will see the benefits. However, posting for a week then giving up won't get you anywhere.
How can you become consistent?
To become consistent we need to turn a non negotiable task into a habit. By a non negotiable task I mean something that has to be done no matter what. In general there is a hierarchy of importance with our tasks:
1. The most important tasks involve our health eg taking medication, drinking enough water, exercise, food etc. This also includes our mental health tasks which can include self care.
2. Looking after our dependants. eg. Dressing the kids, feeding the kids, etc
3. Work tasks.
4. We then fit in any additional wants or desires. eg meeting up with friends for a night out, hobbies etc.
So, we make a list of the non negotiable tasks and check them off each day. It sounds simple but it really works! You could even split it up into portions of the day. Its a great way to start kids off too by giving them a checklist of things to do each day. eg brush teeth, have a shower, read, homework etc. Start them young with picture lists and they will start off with fantastic habits.
You can find some printable checklist here.
My second tip would be time management. Time management is something that we can all benefit from considering. If you sit at your desk and get distracted by scrolling through Facebook or Instagram then productivity may be lacking. Plan your time management and leave yourself some time in there to do some of the things that would otherwise distract you. Even treat them as little rewards .... just don't go over the time limit that you set aside for 'browsing'. Lets face it folks we have all heard of the black hole of TikTok. You scroll through for 2 minutes and bam! Where did those three hours go?
So who is with me in the battle for consistency and turning non negotiables into habits? I would love to hear your views and stories. Do you have any tips for staying consistent?
If you would like any support in staying consistent with your skincare please shout up or head to my Facebook group Tiger Beauty where you can message me or ask questions in the group. Until next time ... have fun and remember self care!
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