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Well, that made me feel better!

Its a long one, bear with me ... Today I wrote a blog! It was a simple blog. I was a summary of what I have done to get me where I am now. Why was this blog so significant you ask?  I touched on something that I think has really affected me more than what I had initially realised when I was younger. I followed the blog up with a chat to a friend and my husband. I decided to write a letter to he who must not be named! So here we go... Dear L, Once upon a time I started working in a retail store. The manager was a lady, who we will name N, she was your wife. You were the manager of another store which was a brand of the same parent company. As a young lady at 16 I looked up to N and a role model and thought that I wanted to be just like her. We became friends and I got to know you both, I even stayed in your house to look after the cat while you both went on holiday. Between you both, you built up my confidence and I was soon working my way up the retail ladder from weekend superviso...

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